Monday, February 9, 2009


So, a brief word on the bushfires simply because I would feel heartless if I didn't at least
mention them before blabbing about frivolous things. It is just absolutely heartbreaking. I can't comprehend the devastation.. the death toll. That a lot of the fires were deliberately lit. I'm donating a bunch of clothes to the appeal. I hope everyone in the country finds it in their heart to do something. Donate some clothes - there are children out there living in their pyjamas. Throw some change in a tin if you can only spare that. It all counts. The Red Cross Appeal can be found here

Onto some good news for the day.


Hayley Bash is a bit of a punk rocker.. a pop punk rocker.. I LOVE Blink! So very excited. And they are doing a world tour. HELLOOOOOOO seeing them live. Which I have never done before (and always regretted since I thought I lost my chance) So now I can. I'm VERY excited :) My friend Pat has offered to get us some cheap Blink t-shirts (he's in America atm.. for far too long!) in celebration.. ie: before they get expensive again! Thanks Pootruck :)

And some annoying news. My camera has kicked the bucket again. Hopefully they will replace it this time.. so over it! THANK GOSH I bought that extended warranty. Do it peoples. Stupid technology!

On the plus side, Simon has a brand new camera. YAY. Because.... we received our first home owners grant on the weekend. FINALLY. Seriously, we bought they house in May!!! But oh well, it's certainly nice to check your account and see 10K extra.. so we're really not complaining!

hayley bash over and out.

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