Chantelle, the very cool owner of blog
fat.mum.slim offered the challenge to talk about our food quirks. I didn't know if I could think of many. I did!
1. I love eating a Jaffa and a Raspberry together. Try it!
2. I love pretty much ham and cheese everything. I have a ham & cheese focaccia from the cafe at work for lunch almost every day. They remove the tomato for me - YUCK.
3. I can't stand peas. They are so disgusting to me. And mushy peas??? makes my stomach turn.
4. I refuse to eat Wizz Fizz other than traditionally - out of the pack with the plastic spoon. Not the same any other way. My brother Nick and I used to argue about the different characters on the pack - he swore each one meant a different flavour. I swore they all tasted the same. Anyone have an opinion on that?
5. I love sweetened condensed milk. mmmmmmm. haven't had it for years though.
6. Mum's choc chip cookie dough is probably the yummest thing ever.
7. I have the SAME THING at Subway EVERY TIME. Chicken pieces, salami, lettuce, onion, carrot, caesar and mayo (plenty), salt and pepper. I once vowed never to eat Subway. Now I'm a devoted Subwayer lol.
8. I adore the froth on the top of hot chocolates. I'm more than happy to have half a cup of creamy froth. White hot chocolates are the best.
9. I can't tolerate much fruit. Which sucks. I like granny smith apples and grapes.
10. The smell of tuna makes me want to vomit. Once when we were in primary school, we had tuna mornay for lunch. Nick had some leftover to take home and it spilt in his school bag. We were too scared to tell Mum, so Nick just shoved the bag in his wardrobe and left it. IMAGINE that smell ages later. Holy hell. Even without that story, the smell.. ugh. ugh!!!!
11. Give me a garden salad with cheese... and I'll pick out the cheese and leave the rest.
12. I'm
fairly game.. I'll try most things.
13. I can't really do sushi.. avocado yuck. weird looking meat, no thanks.
14. I only eat chicken breast. And I love the stuffing from a whole chicken.
15. I dislike nuts, but LOVE Magnum Almonds :)
16. In year 12, I used to buy a Curly Wurly and 50c (10) worth of red frogs every day. So good to suck on the frogs sneakily, and great together too!
17. I hate tomato. Raw, in particular. It is banned from the shop I manage!
Anyone else want to share their food quirks?